Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Some statistics of women in the world of accounting

The number of women entering the accounting world has decreased slightly from 54 % in 2003 to 49% in 2007 but the number of women retained at the senior management or partner levels has slowly climed from 40 % to 42 % in the past four years.
The number of men still continues to outweigh the number of women in the upper management positions.
Even though some of the differnces in the numbers can be due to changes in internal management, women are still underrepresented in these key positions.

1 comment:

Allison1585 said...

I believe men will be in the higher positions for a long time to come. Women may be increasing their numbers throughout the business world, but it will be a "man's world" for a long time to come. Women have not been doing these things for long enough inorder to even the numbers out. Even someone who says that they believe women are equal, will more than likely listen to a man's idea over a woman's. I know that I feel strongly about women being treated equally, I'm not a feminist by any means, but I generally listen to men's ideas more than women's. I don't do this intentionally, it just seems to work out that way. Authority and men seem to go hand in hand, woman must just continue to work hard inorder to get themselves into that position. Eventually some day women and men will truly be equals and both will be seen as having authority.